You are

a beautiful

walking talking

piece of human poetry.

Imbued with

rhyme & reason

of the soul

that sparks fire & ice

in the eyes and heart

of all whom

cross the path.


Welcome to our house.

Where the windows are always open.



the walls are sturdy yet, always moveable.

As your mind.


Be the voice in the crowd

that stills

then ripples

a wave

of murmurs

brought to life.

And light

where darkness

once lived.

West Vancouver Seawalk


Our social anxiety
survival instincts
are warriors.

Who guardedly
walk ahead, assess.

Scan the room
and choose
where you sit.

In proximity
to an EXIT
the clock
on the wall.

Emotionally Hostage

Our emotions will sometimes take on a life of their own in extreme situations.

● We shouldn’t be expected to hold them ransom.
● We are not separate from them.
● We cannot be held emotionally hostage.

The onus does lie in; what we allow them to do.